Friday, 3 December 2010

Game In The Class.

Here are the words i got when i chose three combination numbers.

Duck and Wood
Dog and Root
Fly and Tree

So i make the sentences.

The duck hides under the wood.

The dog rests on the roots.

The fly goes around the tree.

But these pictures contain two objects each. How do i merge the words or objects to become as one?

Duck made of wood. WoodDuck.

Its hand is root. RootDog.

The tree fly. FlyTree.

See how things are compared and merged as one? Funny, but it gets attention. People just love weird things, are they?

When Poem Rhymes.

Hot Chili Love

Your favourite colour is red,
And your touch it makes me mad

Sometimes you're too hot to handle,
But i bare just to taste the sizzle

Oh baby,
You are sensational and super hot,
It makes me wanna row your boat

Oh dear,
Just like the petite sizzling red chili,
That is why I love you like the chili.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Jux What?

What does that mean?
Placing compositional elements side-by-side. Either to compare or contrast them.
Usually to create new idea or draw attention from people.

Here come the MORTAR & PESTLE.
It is used ages ago, and still is in some places. Now blender has take over their place.

In the future, what do i think the use mortar and pestle?


People can use mortar and pestle as tombstone. They are heavy and durable just like the tombstone! Is not it the new thing? Brilliant.

The shamans can use them to mix their potion! Spiders, leaves and more leaves and chant and POOF! A potion.

Mortar and pestle can the new tools for painting! Mortar as the palette and pestle to substitute brushes.

Here, the juxtaposition is used to create an idea of how one thing can is compared to another on it's use. It might sound absurd. But, in future we do not know how irrelevant one's idea is!